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E. K. Acquah has contributed 95 entries to our website, so far.
The Lord bless you and keep you…
The word Apocrypha means “that which is veiled, secret or closed”. In Theology the term Apocrypha refers to the 14 books added to the Old Testament by the Roman Catholic Church in 1546 AD. These books are I Esdras, II Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Song of the Holy Children, History of Susanna, Bel and the Dragon and the prayer Manasses, I Macabees, II Macabees. Most of the rest of Christendom rejects their Books from having a place in cannon of Scripture.
The following are some of the reasons for this rejection.
In view of these points the Apocrypha is not recommended for Christian canonical usage.
When we are Spirit filled, The WORD of GOD really becomes active and sharper than any double edged sword, indeed It becomes like fire in our bones and burning coals in our stomach, for we cannot help but speak and live it out
From Hebrew “Uwrium” plural “UWR” it is referred to as light; flame; fire: i.e. to be or make luminous; break of day; to give or show light; be enlightened. Shine; set on fire. URIM literally means lights. THUMMIM: From Hebrew “Tummiym” plural of “Tom” refers to completeness; innocence; intergrity; perfect uprightness. “Tom” from its root word “Tamam” is to complete truth. The two (2) together – Urim and Thummim stands for lights and perfections; lights and truth; manifestation and truth; the sacred lots.
Much is not said about them regarding who made them. Whether God or Moses; and whether they were used before Moses time is not stated. Moses was only told by God to put them in the pocket or pouch of judgment, which he did when Aaron was first clothed. (Ex. 28:16, 30, Lev. 8:8). They were to be with only the high priest to give counsel and to obtain answer from God in times of crises of the people of Israel.
They were something material, separate from the Breastplate pouch, and the stones in the breastplate. In the pocket were two precious flat stones claimed to be “Yes” and “No” so that whichever was drawn determined an answer to the situation. Joshua was guided by them in leading Israel into Canaan (Num.27:18-23). He used in the case Achan (Joshua 7:14-18), the order of the priesthood was by them. (1Chro. 24:5-7). Saul was chosen by them etc. they were used in dividing the land to the tribes. In the days of Samuel, priest who were to use the Urim and Thummim begin to be corrupt so God raised up prophets through whom the people of God were instructed.
Politically, the Israelites tribes eventually displaced the Canaanites city-states, but ideologically, the Canaanites exerted an enormous influenced on Israel for many centuries through their religion, which was of a more formidable force than its armies. Israelites association with their religion often made them lost the favour of God. The Hebrew noun “baal” means ‘master’, ‘possessor’ or ‘husband’’’. Baal was generally referred to as a specific deity – Hadad of Syria, which means a “storm-god” and was the most important deity in Canaan pantheon. Closely related to this deity (Baal) were “El”, the chief of the gods and his female companion “Asherah” both of which take a back seat to Baal – the “weather” or “storm-god” and his lover “Anat”, the goddess of love and war. At a time, Baal was attacked by “Mut”, the god of barrenness and sterility and was defeated scattering his powers of life and fertility as well as his body to the four corners of the earth.
While ‘El’ the father-god leads the heavenly mourning for his lost son, ‘Anat’, the goddess of fertility goes out to take her revenge. ‘Anat’ completely smashed ‘Mut’ causing Baal to win back his powers. As a result, ‘Baal’ renewed his sexual relationship with ‘Anat’ – and that in turn ensured the fertility of the earth and its inhabitants for another season. This was the main point of Canaanite religion, which they believed was their source of having rains. So whenever the rains seized, it seemed to the Canaanites as if Baal was dead, and needed to be revived – hence almost annual festival in ancient Canaan. Because of the relationship between Baal and Anat: Prostitution and children sacrifices were notable practices of the Baal worship
Though the Israelites knew their God – Yahweh was all powerful in the desert, and in war, they doubted his ability to control the weather and the fertility of fields and flocks. This led to all sorts of compromises. Some gave up the worship of Yahweh (Master, Possessor or Husband) to the Israelites all together and worshipped the Canaanites deities instead. All over the land, altars, statutes etc. were erected as symbols for the Canaanites religion (Baal worship). Israelites however were forbidden to worship Baal.
The priesthood which the Lord gave through Moses to Aaron and his descendants with the idea to them serving at the tabernacle and the Temple of the Lord later took a different dimension as far as its administration is concerned. During the reign of King David the priests were organized into twenty four divisional groups, and each of these family priest groups had a head as the “Chief Priest” responsible for that group example (1Chro. 24:1-10; Jn. 11:49).
Besides all the Chief Priest who are heads of the family priest, there was another priest who is known as the High Priest who was to be appointed by the governor to oversee the administration of the total priesthood, like Caiaphas who was the high priest at the trial of Jesus and during the persecutions described in the early chapters of Acts. The high Priest traced their paternal ancestry from Aaron (Ex 28:1, Num. 18:7), who was the first high priest of Israel and the brother of Moses. The High Priest came from the Tribe of the Levites. Only the High priest was permitted to enter the Most Holy Place. This he did once a year to make atonement for himself and for the people for all the sins committed in the course of the year (Ex 30:10)
These priestly family and functions were a shadow of the reality to be revealed in Christ Jesus. Jesus came as our High Priest and is still our High Priest, ministering in the Heavenly temple.
4 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven,[a]Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. 16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
We can, therefore, boldly enter the throne room of Grace
We begin today A series on Biblical Terminologies. Stay glued
HERODS: There are five different Herods in the Bible. These names which are identical to each other are from the same family, the difference is as follows:
NB. This series are extracts from a joint presentation by Aps Dr Alfred Koduah, Ps Paul Adzigbli and Emmanuel Kwesi Acquah at Takoradi Area Retreat
25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son! 27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home (John 19:25-27)
This statement of Christ epitomizes the power of the Cross, in breaking the dividing walls of hostility or division and building in Christ one new family. The statement seeks to create a new family based on his sacrificed body. Mary the Mother of Jesus was to see John as her son and John to see Mary as his mother. By extension, therefore, all the other disciples are to see themselves as brothers and sisters. A family united through the blood of the lamb.
26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise (Galatians 3:26-29),
No matter where we come from, our background, achievements and failures, experience or naivety, male or female, race or colour, rich or poor, educated or illiterate, foreigner or indigenous, Greek or Jew we are all one in Christ. A warm FAMILY
Indeed the bond of unity by the blood of Jesus is stronger than bond of unity from our biological parents. We should therefore do every thing possible to keep the unity of the body of Christ. Jesus makes it clear that whoever does the will of the father is his brother and sister.
For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. (Matthew 12:50)
In Christ therefore a new family has been established. One family bonded by the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is therefore amazing when sometimes some believers treat each other as enemies and strangers. Let us, therefore, watch those who produce discord and division in the body of Christ.
Let true brothers and sisters of our Lord and savior come together to build one another up, rather than tearing each other apart. Let us learn to forgive each other and help restore our brothers and sisters who have backslidden. Let us show so much care for each other even when we disagree. Let us back our faith and confession with action.
We have only one enemy, the devil. Let us not even see those brethren who disagree with us as enemies. Even in extreme cases where they may stab us in the back, betray or work against us, let is still not in our heart see them as enemies. May we learn not to harbor hurt or bitterness in our heart no matter how much we feel shortchanged. Let us fight back with LOVE and BLESSINGS. May we not give the devil a foothold at all. For indeed God is able to work out all things for our good.
May the Spirit of brotherliness sweep over us and bring our hearts together in an awesome bond of unity and affection for each other.
I had a strong edge to pray for those who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb and I have prayed.
So I proclaim fruitfulness over barrenness. Receive the miracle of a child. A year by this time you and your spouse would be carrying a baby in Jesus Name. Amen
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