From Hebrew “Uwrium” plural “UWR” it is referred to as light; flame; fire: i.e. to be or make luminous; break of day; to give or show light; be enlightened. Shine; set on fire. URIM literally means lights. THUMMIM: From Hebrew “Tummiym” plural of “Tom” refers to completeness; innocence; intergrity; perfect uprightness. “Tom” from its root word “Tamam” is to complete truth. The two (2) together – Urim and Thummim stands for lights and perfections; lights and truth; manifestation and truth; the sacred lots.
Much is not said about them regarding who made them. Whether God or Moses; and whether they were used before Moses time is not stated. Moses was only told by God to put them in the pocket or pouch of judgment, which he did when Aaron was first clothed. (Ex. 28:16, 30, Lev. 8:8). They were to be with only the high priest to give counsel and to obtain answer from God in times of crises of the people of Israel.
They were something material, separate from the Breastplate pouch, and the stones in the breastplate. In the pocket were two precious flat stones claimed to be “Yes” and “No” so that whichever was drawn determined an answer to the situation. Joshua was guided by them in leading Israel into Canaan (Num.27:18-23). He used in the case Achan (Joshua 7:14-18), the order of the priesthood was by them. (1Chro. 24:5-7). Saul was chosen by them etc. they were used in dividing the land to the tribes. In the days of Samuel, priest who were to use the Urim and Thummim begin to be corrupt so God raised up prophets through whom the people of God were instructed.
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