The Love Seed
We see, In the Lord Jesus Christ, GOD demonstrate his LOVE for humanity by first sowing the Love seed.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
The key elements of the Love seed, as sown by God, is that, first of all He took a decision to demonstrate His Love. As the scripture states, whiles we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. In demonstrating the Love seed a solemn decision has to be taken. One has to make up his mind to Love. This is critical because the journey of Love has so many challenges, ups and downs but what would keep us going is the firmness of our decision to Love despite our challenges.
Secondly, God remained faithful to His decision. Faithfulness and Loyalty are key ingredients in the sprouting and growth of the Love seed. A determined commitment to the decision to Love, would make the difference. Many waters cannot quench Love when there is a determined commitment to Love.
Again the decision to Love by God was birth out of His very Loving nature. Out of the abundance of what is in us comes out the issues of life. This means that we can only give what we have. Let us therefore be people firmly rooted and built in Love for when we overflow with Love, giving Love becomes a Loving task.
God did not just talk about love, He firmly anchored it on incontrovertible action, God GAVE. He brought meaning to His decision and commitment to Love by the appropriate action. Very often we do well to take firm decisions in all aspects of our Lives yet fail to take action on the decision. We fail to make the invisible visible. God brought visibility and tangibility to His love and we cannot do otherwise.
May we receive grace to offer tangible expressions of love to all.
Also, God did not just give anything, God gave the most precious, His only begotten son. The key to fruitfulness is sowing the best seeds, instead of eating them. When we give out our best in all aspects of our lives, we reap amazing rewards. God gave that which was most precious to Him because He knew the reward of giving out the best. He knew that if He wanted the best out of humanity He needed to give out His best. Truly He reaped what He sowed and He still and shall continue to reap until the end.
May we learn to be decisive in our drive for Love, rooted in the enormous store of Love in us, loyal to our course and give out our best in all endeavors. By so doing, Like God, we shall indeed reap in Multiples.
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