Divine Connection
A critical lesson that Covid-19, should teach humanity is that no one is indispensable and that human beings, technology, power, money and all the things we pride ourselves in and boast of as being a demonstration of our might and achievement have limitations.
Whole cities were locked down, all kinds of people, races, politicians, celebrities, rich, poor and so on, had to keep to social distancing. In some cases, the ‘strong’, the ‘mighty’ and the ‘powerful’ all had to stay indoors or had to take precautions against a small unseen but fearful virus.
Human beings after all are not INVINCIBLE.
There is now therefore, more than ever, the need to take a critical look at our divine connection in all spheres of life.
Divine connection is the state of having a personal relationship with God. Where God, out of the gracious relationship decides to stand by you and make Himself strong on your behalf. He becomes your help and guide.
Transreladers, thus develop a strong connection with God and share every aspect of life with Him. God becomes a partner in what they do and gives them all the support.
It is indeed an amazing experience. I encourage you friend, to have a taste and see. It should however be noted that, God does not force himself on anyone. He has to be received voluntarily and by faith.
God richly bless you.
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